After three years of publishing here on Blogger I have decided to move my blog to my own web site. You can continue to follow Metawriting at
Read more about my Grand Re-Opening and my new post PLNs, Serendipity and Learning.
Metawriting by Deanna Mascle
This blog reflects my interest in writing pedagogy, agency and efficacy, and teaching with technology -- as a rhetorician and researcher as well as writer, teacher of writers, and teacher of writing teachers.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
My blogging persona
I am writing
my 100th blog post at the same time that many elementary school students are
marking their 100th day of school. For many of those students the
100th day brings with it an assignment to collect/display/share 100
items of some sort (buttons, paper clips, etc). I can still remember my son
agonizing over what he should collect. He wanted it to be something unique, but
it also needed to be readily available and portable. Now I can’t even remember
what he chose, but I suspect it was something we found in the kitchen. However,
my recent consternation about what to do with my 100th blog post
combined with recent Facebook posts by parents and teachers of primary students
celebrating the 100th day of school reminded me of that dilemma and
helped me put my own struggle into perspective. Yes, this is an exciting
milestone, but there will be many more blog posts to come.
But what can
I, or should I, use this occasion to discuss? I started two different posts
(about alternate academic career tracks and my annual review) and considered a
host of teaching-related posts (my recent experiments with badges and Google+
communities, for example) but in the end decided that these posts can wait for
a less momentous occasion.
Then I
contemplated whether this might be the best time to wrap up this blog – as a Blogger
blog that is. I have a professional web site and have been considering for
months the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining a separate blog and web
site as well as the issue of Blogger vs. Wordpress. But I’m pretty sure I’m
making the switch to a Wordpress blog on my own web site (the control and
aesthetic issues I’m having with Blogger are simply beginning to outweigh the
advantages of Blogger) so there goes that topic which many others have ably
discussed such as this post on The Painted Hive and Build Your Own Blog.
Then I
mulled over the idea of discussing my history and development as a blogger. This
blog is three years old so I have been able to maintain a fairly consistent
presence, but the fact that it took that long to arrive at the magical “100” is
a clear indication of my inability to post weekly and doesn’t tell us much
about me as a blogger. My tags are a little more telling, but also somewhat
problematic as I haven’t always been consistent (or smart) about their use. I’m
kind of interested in my Top 5 Posts (as indicated by readership) but that also
says more about my readers than about me. In the end, I concluded that a picture
was worth more than words and simply plugged my blog into a Wordle. This simple
graphic summarizes what my blog is all about.
My description of my blog is:
This blog reflects my interest in writing pedagogy, agency and efficacy, and teaching with technology -- as a rhetorician and researcher as well as writer, teacher of writers, and teacher of writing teachers.

after reading Pat Thomson’s post about blogging identity I decided that this might be the perfect time to explore my own blogging
identity. Like Thomson (and most other humans), I have multiple
private and professional identities and have written about this identity problem before.
However, I tend to keep this blog focused on my various professional identities
(although I have upon occasion discussed more personal topics that connected
with these professional interests).
I do not do a good job separating the personal from the private when it comes
to social media, but that is another post for another day. Unlike Thomson, I did
not delete my rant about education, but then as someone who works (and writes
and researches about that work) with teachers I think my concerns about my son’s
education touch on (at least peripherally) what I write about in the normal
course of blogging.
I really like two ideas that Thomson shares in her
post. I, too, blog in an effort to “de-privatize” my own thoughts and struggles
with teaching, learning, and researching. Yes, I sometimes worry that I overshare,
but as someone who advocates reflection for her own students how can I not
practice what I preach? I truly believe in the importance of reflection to
learning and growth and this blog plays a tremendous role in my own growth and
learning. Interconnected with this is the simple fact that I am a teacher and a
National Writing Project site director. As such it is my job, my duty, my
calling to make visible my struggles, failures, and successes in hopes that
these experiences will provide lessons for others as well as my entrée
into conversations about these issues. That is the power of blogging and social
media – that I can connect/communicate and learn/share with someone like PatThomson who is not even on my continent.
Also, blogging is a powerful tool for creating that
sense of “there” that Thomson discusses in her post. Face-to-face and real-time
connections can be powerful and have a long-term impact, but they are also
transitory. I have a terrible memory, especially when it comes to verbal
interactions, but blogging can live on and remains accessible. It can provide a
“just in time” spark or response -- at least I hope mine does.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
NOT The Trouble With Online Education
My Ph.D program recently shared a link to a New York
Time’s Op-Ed piece about online education that still has my blood boiling. “The
Trouble With Online Education” certainly does not
present any new ideas or arguments about (against?) online education (nor did it when the
piece came out in July), but I suppose the timing of reading the piece during
the first week of our semester – a semester when I am teaching two online
classes – sparked a need to respond. Whatever the reason, there are several points the
author makes that are really bothering me as an educator in general and online
teacher (as well as former/ongoing online student) in specific.
Edmundson then goes on to ask the question: Can online
education ever be education of the very best sort? This is a valid question and
one we should continue to ask, but what irks me is the assumption that a
lecture class is the gold standard by which education should be measured. Just
this week Cathy Davidson argued that “If
we profs can be replaced by a computer screen, we should be.” She makes
many excellent points about the need for education reform and how/why online
education will be a major player in that reform but she also points out that
lectures are an economic expedient but not good pedagogy. Davidson points out lectures may (if done well by the expert performers Edmundson lauds) be entertaining,
but research shows students do not retain information presented in this format
or understand how to apply it. Just yesterday Matt Reed agreed with Davidson
and noted that lecture has never been “a
particularly effective way to teach.” Online classes can be and are
designed and taught in similarly ineffective ways all around the world, but as
Davidson and Reed point out there is also great potential for innovation in
both the traditional classroom and the online classroom if we adapt to new
circumstances and knowledge and employ new strategies and new tools. Whether we
like it or not, times are changing and we
profs need to reform and “turn
into the skid” or the university will indeed be torn apart as Edmundson so
fears. The fault will not be with online education but will instead be with
profs (and institutions) that refuse to evolve and grow.
As an educator it really bothers me that Mark Edmundson
is offended by the notion that professors might learn from their students. Yes,
I am the content specialist in my classroom and as such usually know a lot more
about my subject than my students, but I would argue that if you are not
learning from your students then you are doing it wrong. Education is not just
about transferring chunks of information from one head (yours) to another (your
students). That is an outmoded and ineffective model and one of the things wrong
with education today. Education is about exploring ideas and if you are not
giving students the opportunity to explore, understand, apply, and share in
your class then you are missing out and, worse, you are cheating your students.

The idea that Edmundson presented which really made my
blood boil is that an online class cannot be a genuine intellectual community
because it is a monologue rather than a dialogue (ironic much?). He goes on to
describe online education as anonymous, sterile, abstract, and lonely. I
thought my head my spin off my shoulders after reading this opinion which was
apparently formed after watching a pre-filmed online class. Well, of course
that model of online education is not as rich as the live lecture (which is
already pretty ineffective) but apparently Edmundson is not aware of the
tremendously rich and varied pedagogy taking place around the world that
harnesses the power of technology to make online and blended classes exciting
and challenging places to learn. It makes me wonder how Edmundson would respond
if his students present such a poorly supported argument.
I would urge anyone who questions the exciting class
design possible in online and blended classes to visit such collectives as HASTAC and Hybrid Pedagogy to find overwhelming
support to counter the idea that online education is anonymous, sterile,
abstract, and lonely. I strive to make my classes an interactive community with
dynamic, collaborative projects and my class activities and assignments are constantly
evolving inspired by the amazing work being done by my friends, peers, and
colleagues around the world. This is an exciting time to be an educator and I
believe our students are enriched by the experience. Sometimes my class
activities and assignments don’t work out as planned (or hoped) but then that
was true when I taught face-to-face. Often my online space is messy but then so
was my traditional class space – we were often loud too. But this week, our
first week of classes at my institution, we have begun building a community. I
shared personal tidbits about my hobbies, family, and dog and invited students
to share as well. As we interact as a group, we have talked about favorite
books, movies, TV shows, and video games as well as tattoos, crafts, and pets.
We are finding out who is creative, who is nervous about technology, and who is
incredibly busy. After only three days, 22 students have posted more than 150
messages to each other in our Community forum. Sure I have included some
prerecorded videos to explain assignments but there are no lectures. Instead we
will continue to share, discuss, challenge, and question – and I know that I
will learn from my students just as they learn from me and from each other. I
don’t know how Edmundson defines a “genuine intellectual community” but I’m
pretty sure we’ve got one going on and I know we are not alone.
hybrid pedagogy,
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
A letter to my students
I am excited to begin the
semester with you because I have big (and fun, I hope) plans in store for our
class, but before we embark on this adventure together I want to ask you some
very important questions. Your answers to these questions will determine your
success for the semester. I want you to succeed, but, ultimately, your success
and failure is up to you and your fit with online instruction, this class, and
this instructor, so please consider these issues carefully.
Is an online class right for you?
If you have never taken an
online class then you really need to consider your technology and ability to
use it. You will need consistent and reliable internet access and a backup plan
if you lose it. Lack of internet access is not a get-out-of-jail-free-card and
is, in fact, a one-way ticket to failure. You need internet access to
participate in class activities and submit your work. It is that simple.
Similarly, you will need a reliable computer and a backup plan if yours dies or
is attacked by mutant viruses from outer space. Just like internet access you
will still need to participate in class and complete your assignments. Finally,
and most important, is your ability to negotiate the internet and use your
computer (and its programs). Do you know how to use Word (saving files in
various formats, add page numbers, etc.? Do you know how to attach documents?
Do you understand email and discussion board etiquette? Do you know how to
search databases (not just Google)? Do you know how to use advanced search
Even if you have
successfully completed another online class you may need to think not only
about the issues above, but your willingness and ability to use more Blackboard
tools than the discussion board and, in fact, to venture outside Blackboard to
use other communication tools and social media. Don’t assume that all online
classes are taught the same and that past success will predict future success.
It is also important for
you to consider your self-discipline and learning style. Many students still
sign up for online classes because they believe they will be easier and less
work. The only thing that is easier about an online class is the flexibility.
You still need to do the work and complete it on time, but you have the option
to complete the work at 10 p.m. after the kids are in bed or at 10 a.m. before
you report for your afternoon shift at work. However, this flexibility or
freedom can be a real problem for students who need regular tasks and
reminders. If you are the kind of person that finds things that are out of
sight are then out of mind then you could have a real problem staying on task
and up-to-date with your assignments. I do employ pictures and audio, but
ultimately an online class tends to be rather text heavy. If you find it difficult
to plow through lots of reading and writing then you might want to reconsider
taking an online class. Remember, in an asynchronous online class your
participation will mean typing and reading your classmates’ contributions to
the class because we aren’t physically together to discuss our work verbally.
Is this class right for you?

This is a project-focused
class. This means we will have several smaller assignments that support one
major assignment due at the end of the class. This will give you a great deal
of freedom to interpret these assignments as you wish, but not everyone finds
this amount of freedom comfortable. In addition, this can often make these
assignments more challenging and time-consuming than more traditional assignments.
They can be more fun and more fulfilling as a result, but there are always
trade-offs in life and the time-energy trade might not work for you this
semester (or ever).
This class will be
technology-heavy. I am a technology addict. Ask anyone. I love learning new
tools and experimenting with them in my classes. If you do not feel comfortable
exploring and using new technology (using a variety of Blackboard tools as well
as social media, presentation tools, research tools, and more) then this is
definitely not the class for you.
Is this instructor right for you?
The first and most
challenging thing you need to know about me (well after the reflection and
technology points I’ve already made) is that I believe learning is rhizomatic
(read more about rhizomatic learning) which means essentially that I see learning more
like a root-tree system than something that is linear or systematic. I also believe
it is highly personal and individual. This means that while I have created a
series of experiences for you that what you take away from this
class will be up to you and what you bring to and invest in those experiences. Some students, after a period of adjustment,
find this attitude invigorating and an exciting change from traditional
classes, but others do not feel comfortable in this type of environment. I
understand. It is not for everyone. Some chaos is guaranteed to result.
You should also be warned
that laziness makes me snarly and snarky. I know life happens. Work, family,
school sometimes collide in a perfect storm and heaven forbid if you (or anyone
close to you) has health problems and then there are the wonderful weather
complications we get in winter and spring in Eastern Kentucky. When things get
rough let me know. If you are up front about your issues and propose a plan to
deal with those and still address your course work then I am happy to work with
you. I am less happy when you disappear for weeks and are too lazy to contact
me then expect me to devise a make-up plan. What really makes me crazy though are people who ask
questions because they are too lazy to do some thinking and/or research on
their own. I will happily confirm or check your answers if you take some
initiative, but I will not be happy if the answer to your question was easily
available and you did not even check. Don’t be that person!
I am not a robot. I am
online and available a lot. I am also on campus a couple of days a week. I
check Blackboard and my email daily (usually) but that does not mean I always
have time to respond to you immediately. Sometimes I have limited time and have
to make a judgment call about which email to respond to and yours is not the
most urgent. Sometimes I cannot work in a face-to-face meeting as quickly as you
would like. This is because you are not my only class and, in fact, teaching is
only about 1/3 of my professional responsibilities. And, as I already
mentioned, I am not a robot. I am also a wife, mother, homeowner, dog mother,
friend, church member, youth leader, and PTO officer. I have a life and
responsibilities outside of MSU and Murphy’s Law happens to me, too. So, while
I will do my best to provide all the support you need in a timely fashion don’t
expect instant response or speedy grading all the time. I strive to be faster than molasses
in January and usually, but don’t always, succeed.
Thanks for sticking this
out, it ended up much longer than I expected, sorry about that. I hope you will
carefully consider the questions of whether or not this online class taught in
this way by this instructor is really a good fit for you this semester. If so
then I will see you in Blackboard!
hybrid pedagogy,
professional writing,
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Community Building With Badges

I've been thinking about community a lot lately - specifically class community or rather creating a learning community in my online classes. I know from both my experience and research that learning communities have many benefits for students (my recent reading includes Dawson, Kearns and Frey, Sadera et al). They foster learning and lead to high-impact educational experiences. Just a quick review of my blog shows that I have written about community a lot (too much? you be the judge) so I won’t get into all the reasons why I consider it important in this post and will instead focus on my current pedagogical thinking regarding community building.
While I consider community important, I also know from personal experience that creating a learning community in your class - especially an online required general education class - is no easy task. I've created successful online learning communities at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, but those successes have been in classes of willing, motivated students. So the real question is: how do you create a successful learning community with students who aren't so much?
I have been thinking about this question for weeks - before the fall semester was even over. I knew that the community in my online general education class was not as strong as I wanted and it seemed to weaken as the semester progressed. I've been struggling to find a way to do better this semester.
My solution is to put my money where my mouth is - or rather to give class credit for community building. I usually give credit for participation activities such as class discussion (in the form of blogs and journals etc), but now I am going to try breaking these out so it is clear that I value community building and participating on the blog posts of others.
I am only adding one new class activity to my usual introductory activities. I traditionally open the class with ice breaker activities such as six-word memoirs and me museums (oops, is that my writing project showing?) and I expect to do the same this semester. I have also used social media to give us a more informal space to connect and share. This spring I will again use Google+ for that purpose. However, I hope that by making “community building” an actual assignment with points assigned that students will get the message that this is important (I tell them but I think the fact that the points will underscore the idea).
I am also
going to steal/borrow/adapt Cathy Davidson’s draft badging system to support
the community building assignment. This is a new activity that I’m adding to
the first few class sessions. My idea is to have students create badges for
their community building work (frequent flier, cheerleader, class clown, social
butterfly etc.) and then strive to earn as many badges as possible. I think it
could be fun and spark a lot more activity and involvement. If it works I’ve
already got plans to use a similar system for discussion feedback and writing
workshop. Stay tuned!
How do you use badges in your classes? What community building activities do you use? Do you think my idea of community-building badges is a good idea or a disaster-in-the-making?
How do you use badges in your classes? What community building activities do you use? Do you think my idea of community-building badges is a good idea or a disaster-in-the-making?
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Ringing in the New Year - pedagogically
I have often reflected at
the end of the semester, in true Profhacker fashion, by giving a 3x3 course
evaluation. This means sharing what worked, what didn’t, and what I plan to
change. This was easy to do when I was
essentially teaching the same class in multiple sections. However, now that I
am teaching composition and professional writing it is hard to make such comparisons
so this evaluation and reflection will likely not fall into such neat
Overall, I feel pretty
good about how my professional writing class turned out. I taught this class
for the first time in the Spring and that was OK but as I had barely a week to
plan the class (for the first time) and I inherited a book it was a bit rough. This
time around I had the benefit of experience and time to plan so it was much
more thought out and I do not plan to make any major changes for the new Spring
Semester. Students report that they learned a lot and had fun. I feel the same
way so what’s not to like?
My Writing II class
continues to be a work in progress and I plan to revamp it yet again for the
Spring Semester. I have high hopes for the new version as it is an idea that
excites me (see The Walking Dead in my writing classroom) and I had an
additional brainstorm about how to marry my new idea to my old practice of
focusing more on writing in the disciplines so it will be a course about
walking/writing dead in the disciplines.
I have spent a lot of my gym time thinking about this class and can’t
wait to see what comes of it!
What worked
I borrowed/adapted a Group
Learning assignment from Cathy Davidson for my professional writing class and
this turned out to be a great assignment. Students really did an amazing job
with it and we all learned something from the process as well as the results.
For this assignment students had to teach the class about some technology/tool
that could be used to produce their final projects. Throughout the rest of the
semester students referred back to these tips/tools and used them for their PW
project as well as work in other classes and their professional lives.
Another success for the
Fall Semester was the use of Google Chat to support virtual office hours. While
overall my use of Google was a bit hit-and-miss (see Google vs. Blackboard) in
terms of success, I can unequivocally say that Google Chat gave my students
quick and easy access to my help and advice. Although it was not always
convenient for me (having to interrupt my work or break a chain of thought), it
definitely helped create a connection with my online students that is always
difficult to forge in an online class.
Finally, the use of
interactive journals was something that worked well and I will continue to use.
Side discussions, support, and practical advice were all a part of the peer
comments on student journals and I think contributed to a sense of class
community. I was pleased with this activity/assignment and will definitely use
it again.
What didn’t work
My attempt at a peer
leader assignment, during which students would take turns leading discussions
and track participation, was a dismal failure. They were supposed to work in
teams and that was always a problem as most of the teams did not work well
together at all. The evaluation part of the assignment was also problematic even
though it was really a matter of noting who had participated and who had not. I
wonder if this type of assignment is simply more problematic in an online class
as I’ve done similar things with traditional classes. I’m not going to use this
assignment until I’ve thought it through again so probably not for the Spring
Semester as I’m at a loss right now.
Similarly, my class
reporter assignment was terrible. I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of students
creating a wiki, blog, or some other record of the lessons they learned in a
class. However, the actual execution in both classes fell far short of my hope.
I think the idea is still a good one but it may not work for a writing class as
well as it does for a content-driven class and it may also be a problem for an
online vs. traditional class. Either way, it is going back on the shelf for now
while I mull it over.

What will change
While I will still have
students create Google accounts at the beginning of the semester, our early use
of Google will be for interaction (Google chat) and social media (Google+). As
I already noted (see Google vs. Blackboard), I used Google for journals,
discussion, and writing workshop in the Fall Semester but this met with mixed
results and I think sometimes the technology got in the way of the pedagogy
which is never a good thing. I plan to use Blackboard’s blog tool for
interactive journals and discussion but am reserving the option for using
Google for writing workshop at the end of the semester.
As noted above (and in The Walking Dead in my writing classroom), we will discuss the big ideas found in
our literary readings with those found in popular culture (specifically comic
books and their related media). We will then explore (in discussion and in writing)
the ways that those big ideas play out in the disciplines. Stay tuned for more
on this idea!

How did your Fall Semester
turn out? What are your plans for the Spring Semester? I always love to study
(steal/copy/adapt/adopt) the assignments and class activities of other
Monday, December 17, 2012
I have found balance and you can too
Those who spend time with
me enough to know how extremely uncoordinated I am are probably laughing out
loud, but it is true. I have found balance – or at least more balance than I
may have ever had before in my adult life – and it is awesome. I am still not
physically coordinated and I am often extremely busy but I have worked very
hard this semester to achieve some balance in my life and I am pretty happy
with what I have accomplished. Believe me, if I can do it then there is hope
for you as well. This is my hope that you will make finding balance one of your resolutions for the new year.
This time last year my job
was killing me. I was bone-tired and stressed to the limits of human endurance.
Then in May my body sent me an urgent message to change or else! In May and
June I wrote about the need to find more balance and my initial struggles with
it (see Rising From the Ashes and Have You Got Balance). Six months later I can
report that I am doing great physically and emotionally. I must say that the
life changes I enacted this summer were the best decisions I ever made. Of
course it is one thing to make changes during the summer, but another to keep
them once the school year gets underway. The simple fact that I can report that
I am happy and healthy now tells me that I have kept on my path and that is
good news.
Drawing lines
Perhaps the most important
part of this new life plan was changing the way that I work. In the past my
flexible work schedule meant in reality that I was working seven days a week,
morning, noon, and night. Now I rarely
work in the evening and while I still do some weekend work I try to restrict it
to a few hours. It isn’t always easy but I accomplish this by following two
strict rules:
You can’t and
shouldn’t do everything
prioritize, prioritize
That first rule is a tough
one. It is so often easier (or so we think) to simply do something ourselves
rather than to let someone else do it. Worse, it is often easier to do
something ourselves than to find and convince someone else to take on a task (and then to provide the support they need to do it without micromanaging).
However, I have delegated and divided a number of tasks that have made my life
easier. Other jobs I eliminated altogether by reasoning that if no one else was
interested in taking on that program then it was time to let it go. Quite
simply it was about not doing anything just because I had always done it. I
reevaluate regularly before putting a job on my list. Is this something that
needs to be done? Really? If so then am I really the best, the only, person to
do it?
I have always been the
Queen of the To Do List, but I have learned to readjust my thinking there as
well. I still use them to plan and manage my time, but now I make sure to spend
time not just writing down the millions of things I need to do but also sifting
and sorting. If this is a job that I need to do then I ask myself when it needs
to be done. Does it need to be done today? What happens it if doesn’t get done
until next week? Next month? Similarly, the tasks that don’t get done are not
simply moved from one day to the next without asking the question – why didn’t
this get done? It is about prioritizing every day and every week. The first
week of classes means that course planning and management are top priorities
just as last week was mostly about grading. However, there are other weeks when
program planning or report writing might be the priority and my students drop
to second place. Not everything can or should be top priority all the time. A
hard lesson but I think I have it now!
Putting Me First
Changing my life has meant
making a lot of hard decisions, and even more difficult, sticking with them.
Now my priority list includes doing things for myself. Every week I make time
to write because this is something I need and want to do. I make time to
exercise regularly not because I want to (still waiting for that promised
energy boost) but because it is important for my health and I have found I can
get some good thinking time in on the elliptical so that is a plus. I make time
to spend with my friends (although I still need to do better with this) because
I need to laugh and vent and celebrate life. These are things I need to do for
my mind, body, and soul. Carving time out of a busy schedule and putting off my
real work to attend to my writing, my health, and my relationships is not
selfish. OK, maybe it is, but being selfish is OK and even necessary when it
comes to a balanced life. After all, if I don’t look out for me then who will?
Another difficult
decision, especially after the fact that my job nearly killed me, was taking
myself off the market this fall. I knew that I could not afford to devote the time
and energy to an academic job search plus I knew from past experience how
time-consuming, stressful, and soul-destroying such a search can be. I wanted
to devote my time and energy to maintaining my new-found balance as well as the
development of new projects and possibilities. I knew I was sacrificing
opportunities and I still torture myself by reading the job ads and wondering
“what if” but as I end the semester tired but not empty I know that I made the
right decision. I am looking forward to the work currently on my list and I am
satisfied with the work I completed this fall. My current job is not perfect. I
am underpaid and under-recognized and under-appreciated. But I am doing
important work that makes a difference. I am teaching, I am supporting
practicing teachers on my campus as well as in my region, I am mentoring
pre-service teachers and new teachers, and I have the opportunity to influence
educational policy on my campus. That’s a pretty good gig so I’m not dwelling
on the “what ifs” too much. Instead, I am focusing on celebrating and focusing on the positives.
My life and career path choices
are not for everyone, but now I can look back over the past semester and know
that I made the right ones for me. I am excited about the changes that 2013 can
bring and happy that 2012 is wrapping up much better than I could have forseen
back in May. If there is one gift that I would give to you (well after world
peace) it would be for you to find more balance in your life. Happiness will
follow I promise. Now ask yourself: What can you do to find more balance and happiness in your life?
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