The focus of my current
work is community. In particular, I am interested in the role that technology
and social media play in our understanding of and participation in communities.
It is important that we increase our understanding of the concept of community
and how people live, work, and communicate within and among today’s networked
and global communities.
Technology and social
media have had a tremendous impact on the shape and definition of community.
Social networks have made the boundaries separating communities porous and easily
crossed as well as made it easier to create our own communities. It is crucial
to my roles as a technical communicator, teacher, and researcher that I
understand how to work in these spaces. I believe that further study of the “social literacy skills” that
Cargile Cook advocates for technical communicators
as well as the “civic mechanisms” promoted by Spinuzzi can increase our
understanding of working, teaching, and researching in networked environments.
Digital Community and Social Media
Toward this end I am
currently engaged in a study of my writing students’ dual struggle with digital
community and social media. As a teacher, I believe it is important to develop
a strong classroom community although doing so in an online class can be
challenge. Therefore, I am studying the pedagogical implications of this work
and our use of both social media and course management software to create a
learning community. I also seek to help my students develop an understanding of
the discourse communities they will join. However, as a researcher I am also interested
in their struggle to identify and join professional communities using digital
and social media tools as I believe their experience can expand our
understanding of this issue. This work has led to conference proposals for
Computers and Writing, Computer Connection (part of the Conference on College Composition
and Communication), and the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing as
well as a proposal for the special issue on social media for Technical Communication Quarterly.
I see technical
communication as a natural bridge between rhetorical tradition and cutting-edge
technology. As a result, I am working as a technical communicator to create a digital
network to support the work of my National Writing Project site. This work will
also inform the article proposed for TCQ. This includes a study of the
community and the ways that social media has helped and hindered communication
and social capital as well as a self-study of my own growth and development as
a technical communicator.
Agency and Writing Self-Efficacy
While I am still
interested in agency and writing self-efficacy, the topic of my dissertation, this
focus on community is what excites me the most at this time. I have continued to collect data from each
group of writers that I teach with the intent of conducting a longitudinal
study. This work is the foundation for an upcoming presentation the Conference
on College Composition and Communication as well as the research project I am
directing for my undergraduate research assistant. We are currently considering
publication venues for her work. In addition, I recently responded to a call
from Business Communication Quarterly
for strategies to teaching writing and used this work to support my
recommendations. Finally, I am interested in exploring the intersections and
connections among community, social capital, agency, and efficacy and suspect
that I may find I have not moved as far from my original research as it appears
at this time.
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