While we will not be able
to determine the impact of our pilot program on retention and success until the
semester is over, I am giddy about the results we have already determined. I
know for the powers-that-be the ultimate success will be judged by how many
students stay in school to complete a degree, but we expect to see that our
three sections will have higher retention for the semester as well as a higher
degree of success (earning a C or better) than other sections both for this
semester and historically. How much higher we cannot know until December, but
the results of a recent survey administered to the developmental students working with the Writing Studio demonstrates to me that we have had an impact in important ways.
Many developmental writing
students come into the class with a negative attitude – toward writing in
general, their writing in specific, and the very idea of taking this writing
class. They do not want to take this class and resist the idea that they can
learn to be a better writer based on their previous experience. They also come
in lacking confidence in their ability to write. This trifecta of doom – a negative
attitude toward writing, low confidence, and lack of ability – creates a cycle
of failure that can prevent students from achieving success in college and
their profession. Our goal for the Writing Studio is to break that cycle of
We think we have succeeded
with a number of our students as 63% of the students in our pilot study
reported a change in one or more areas of attitude, confidence, or competence
and another 16% reported a small change in one or more areas. We are so excited
to see the students’ self-awareness increase and even more important to see
that they have grown as a result of our work together. We think this is a very
big deal because we know as experienced developmental writing teachers that
attitude has to change before anything else can change. If students don’t
believe in their own ability to change then they won’t change their behaviors
or thinking. However, discovering how they have grown is even more exciting for
According to our survey
results, 55% percent of the students reported that they now like or love
writing and another 39% indicated they neither like nor dislike it. Overall,
94% do not dislike writing after working with the Writing Studio for 10 weeks.
It is human nature to spend less time on an activity that you dislike and so
this change in attitude will play an important role in the students’ future
success. We doubt that we can make every student love writing, but believe this
move away from the hate and dislike of writing is important.
Low confidence is
widespread in developmental writing. Most students were apprehensive during
their middle and high school careers and then placement into a developmental
writing class only confirmed their existing belief. However, at the end of the
Writing Studio, 37% of our students reported that they were confident about
their writing ability and 44% reported that they were neither confident nor
apprehensive with a total of 81% indicating that they were not apprehensive
about writing. Over and over again, students noted on their surveys that they
were “more confident” than at the beginning of the class. Studies have shown that
students with high writing apprehension are less likely to spend much time
writing and persevere through difficult writing assignments, so improving
student writing confidence can also be important to their future success.
Previous experience has
taught these students that they are not good writers, but they also reported
that this changed as a result of their participation in the Writing Studio. When
asked to rate their ability to “write a well-organized and
sequenced paper with good introduction, body, and conclusion,” 37% believed
they could write a good or great paper and another 53% indicated that they
could do OK which indicates that 91% of the students could demonstrate
competence. Our hope is that we have given these students tools that will help
them continue to develop their competence as well as confidence.

Every studio participant who completed a survey said that we
should continue the program. Many simply argued that it was helpful, but those
who offered more specific explanations described the small groups and
opportunity for one-on-one feedback and support as key benefits.
We need to wait until the end of the semester before we determine
how many of our students succeeded this semester using the simple measuring
stick of grades, but for now I am more than satisfied with the results of our
work. The students who worked with our Writing Studio have described changes in
their attitude toward writing, their writing confidence, and their writing
ability. That is success in my book. Only time will tell if we have truly
broken the cycle of defeat that has plagued so many of these students in the
past, but I am full of hope.
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