I am creating a writing studio as part of the work of my
National Writing Project site at Morehead State University and I am very
excited about this work and its potential for impacting both the teaching and
learning of writing at MSU on many levels.
Why a writing studio and not a writing center or writing
lab? Studios have a long tradition as a place for artists or musicians to work.
A studio is a place of creation and collaboration and synergy. I want to create
a program that fosters the kind of discussion and energy and growth you might
see in a studio.
A writing studio focuses on the writer and not the
writing by providing a cognitive apprenticeship in a community of practice (see
The Idea of a Writing Laboratory) where learning takes place through guided
practice. The guidance takes the form of group discussion focused on cognitive
and metacognitive issues rather than physical skills and process. The idea is
that through observation, coaching, and independent practice, students develop
as successful learners and acquire the reflective and self-regulating tools
required to be a successful writer.
In Teaching/Writing
in Thirdspaces, Grego and Thompson describe a writing studio as a
reflective space where writers communicate about generating and developing
ideas as well as refine approaches, processes, and attitudes about writing.
Greg and Thompson point out this is generative learning that builds
understanding through work and experience. Sessions are focused on the production
of student work and the processes student engage in to produce it.

As I study and research in preparation for embarking on
this project in August, I am excited by the potential for MSU and the Morehead
Writing Project as well as how this work will impact me as a teacher of
writing. However, I am still struggling with the implications of this work for
me as a technical communicator and taking the writing studio model far beyond
the basic writing and composition classrooms that are its traditional home. Grego
and Thompson describe the writing studio as a place to explore and negotiate
the institutional spaces/places that influence our lives and our writing and as
a rhetorician this is something we should continue to address as communications
professionals. I expect I will be writing a lot more about this in the weeks to
come but I would really appreciate others’ thoughts on the implications of writing
studio for technical communication students and professionals.
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